Posts Tagged With: Mental toughness

Dreams, Goals and a Mental Edge


Wether its celebrity inspiration, stories and pictures from friends or your own individual desire to succeed, we all have our own melting pot of motivation  which stirs deep within us.  I’d be willing to bet that every single one of us has a combination of up bringing, previous experience, healthy case of dreaming jealousy   from watching way too much outdoor programing, which  rev our engines  in and out every year till we die.    I bring this up in light  of several photos Ive seen recently of western hunts from years past.  These pictures not only bring back great memories but draw a strain of emotion from my soul that act as a catalyst, not pushing me into further dreaming, but into action.  Thats one thing about dreams that makes me wonder, when people say they have dreams are they just waiting on them to magically come true?  It is good to have dreams, but I feel just saying you are dreaming breeds a state of inactivity, both physically and mentally. When do you take those dreams and make them reality?    The word goal, is what we need to train our minds to think. Goals mean action, physically and mentally moving towards our destination taking  those things that motivate from a dreamers level into reality. Goals are more dangerous than dreams, goals produce resilient action until they are met and beyond.

What really has added fuel to my internal fire are pictures from my fathers past elk hunts I found flipping through albums.   The exhaustion, the mountains, the git, grime the smiles, the pinnacle of success, but overall the mystique of God’s country which harbors something special. Another picture intensified my goals came from Cameron Hanes’s Facebook page which showed up on my news feed.  His picture, a monster bull elk down and part way through dressing out. Slabs of delicious elk meat topped of with giant dark antlers, the king of the mountains.   Simple yet effective.  In my mind I see this picture and pictures from my father as a place I long to return. However; in order to return to that point, long hard days of work are ahead. A daunting thought considered I still have 2 years of college left.   Instead of feeling sorry for myself and chalking western hunting into my dream category,  they re-enforce and amplified my goals pushing me to push myself in all areas of life with the goal of getting back into the mountains.  My soul burns and my mind screams creating a focused rage of intense concentration.  This is the mental edge which separates the complacent from the non complacent.

Do you have this edge? If you don’t, today is a good day to start.

Where Eagles Dare, PWL.


Categories: Attitude, Mental Toughness, hunting | Tags: , , , , , | 3 Comments

All In Physical Strength?

Strength does not come from physical capability it comes from an indomitable will.

What is an indomitable will?  An indomitable will is the desire to succeed that is greater than the fear of failure  I’m sure anyone who has sat in a stand the last few bitter cold days of the season,  while wind rips  at your face as you  burrow exhausted  into your coat  understand this feeling.  Most  people would look  and ask, why the heck are you still pushing the limits?  You gave it your best shot this season and may even have a few deer in the freezer.  Yet you still drag yourself out to the stand  because you refuse to stop till every ounce of strength  in your body is gone.  It is this mental tenacity that gives us that little extra strength to complete our goals.  You could have the best fit physique in the world but physical strength does nothing if your mind is not stronger.

Check your mindset, strong mentality pushes your physical limits, Push the wild limits.

Where Eagles Dare, Pwl.


Categories: Attitude, Mental Toughness | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment

An Insult Meaning Mighty Hunter

Meaning of the word,


Typically used as an insult among middle and high school students as   nothing but verbal diarrhea  flows on an unstopped line  from their under developed brains to their tongues  as they bicker to assert dominance in their so overly stressful and pressure filled worlds………  I think at one point or another we have all been called a nimrod by our peers.  Interestingly enough even though this name may sound foolish  and childlike,  its meaning is actually one of interest to us as a community of hunters.    In fact one of my back packs is made by a western company called Nimrod and its name is taken From the old testament of the Bible.   Genesis chapter10:8-10 says this.  8 “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. 9, He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD.”  The name Nimrod was a mighty hunter in the Bible, can you believe that?  I remember being called a nimrod several times through school before my other classmates began to freely use the F-bomb.  Imagine that, people actually used a word to insult when it actually accurately described.  This really made my day, hope it makes your day a little brighter as well.

So go be a Nimrod today!

Where Eagles Dare, PWL.


Categories: hunting | Tags: , , , , , | 3 Comments

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